Some errors in WD?

Hi from France again

Sometimes, I switch off my computer, so the weather station (WS 2500) keeps in its memory the data (each 15 mn)…

When I connect my WS 2500 in opening WD, the software reads each data memorized in the weather station, I can see it in the “customtextout.txt” file, each 15 mn, I have a record… that’s OK

Something stills wrong for the extreme values of the day…

For example, if the highest temperature was 13.2

it must be that with the data extractiion from the ws2500 data from during the night, wd is not reconising that it has gone though midnight time…the problem is there is not time or date data in the stored data from the data logger for this station type
that makes it harder for me
you should see, reseting daily temp/rain etc…under view, program error log…

[quote author=windy link=topic=5964.msg39196#msg39196 date=1099215697]
it must be that with the data extractiion from the ws2500 data from during the night, wd is not reconising that it has gone though midnight time…the problem is there is not time or date data in the stored data from the data logger for this station type
that makes it harder for me
you should see, reseting daily temp/rain

Sorry to write again about this, but I still have some troubles in the "customtextout.txt file

As I told you, if I switch on my computer on the morning, I open WD, and it reads the weather station’s inside recorded data (1 record each 15 mn)

Some troubles here… When I look my "customtextout.txt file, I have something like this

1014.0,9.6,8.9,9.6,7.9,9.6,88,0.0,ENE,0.0,26.6,5.4,5.4,466.8,NUIT,0.0, 0 %, 0,0.0,359,23:15,01/11/2004
this is the last value before disconnect the weather station (sometimes I switch off computer during the night)

1014.0,9.7,8.9,9.6,0.0,9.7,88,0.0,E,0.1,26.6,5.4,5.4,466.8,AUBE,0.0, 0 %, 0,0.0,360,08:00,02/11/2004
1014.0,9.8,8.9,9.6,0.0,9.8,89,0.0,E,0.0,26.6,5.4,5.4,466.8,AUBE,0.0, 0 %, 0,0.0,340,08:15,02/11/2004
1014.0,9.8,8.9,9.6,0.0,9.8,89,0.0,E,0.0,26.6,5.4,5.4,466.8,AUBE,0.0, 0 %, 0,0.0,340,08:30,02/11/2004
1014.0,9.8,8.9,9.6,0.0,9.8,89,0.0,E,0.0,26.6,5.4,5.4,466.8,AUBE,0.0, 0 %, 0,0.0,340,08:45,02/11/2004
1014.0,9.8,8.9,9.6,0.0,9.8,88,0.0,NNE,0.0,26.6,5.4,5.4,466.8,AUBE,0.0, 0 %, 0,0.0,360,09:00,02/11/2004

These are the first lines of the data after the disconnection…
The values are OK, but the hours and the date are false…
When it says "08:00,02/11/2004, it is “23:30,01/11/2004”, when it’s “08:15,02/11/2004” it’s “23:45,01/11/2004” and so on

it gives me the hour of the reconnection and increases it with 15 mn each line…

A few updates ago, it worked well…

Can you have a look at this ??
