[SOLVED] Linux version STILL Not Posting to Wunderground

Also… whenever I mouse over the links to check wunderground data, or any other link within the WeatherDisplay program, I get a watch icon over the link as if the system is busy.

What gives?

This is silly… I’d hoped for better from Linux weather software–was trying to convert to Linux from Windows and this last step was getting my weather station to upload files to Wunderground.

I have checked internet access ON. And Wunderground ON. My internet connection is good and I can access the internet from Linux using Mozilla. My station ID is KCASEASI1 and my password is entered correctly.

I dunno why the upload to Wundeground won’t work… IDEAS?



whenever I mouse over the links to check wunderground data, or any other link within the WeatherDisplay program, I get a watch icon over the link as if the system is busy.
thats a left over from the windows version to start up your broswer but that is not avaialble in the linux version but I do have the URL to copy/paste into your browser email me ([email protected]) your password , and I will try udating your data from here with wd for linux and then it will show up here all going well http://weatherstation.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=KCASEASI1&month=12&year=2004&day=12

jsut working on this now
i see that the test button did nothing
i have fixed that now
one thing
you need to set a UTC hour adjust in the sumoon setup…
try that
(i am testing that now)

your wunderground ID and username does not work
but mine does, with WD for linux
just tested
see my 9:50am posting here (with the lower temperature)
so you must have the ID or password wrong
(and also set a UTC time offset in the sun moon setup)

mine has always worked

RESOLVED! Thank you for your help.

Always the simple things, huh?