Solar view within program out of wack!

Brian -

When I view the solar within WD is does not plot as blocked in.

Also their are large and frequent blips on the graph. (see below)

The strange thing is – the graph uploaded to my weather web site
is O-K-A-Y! (see below)

Any ideas.

My settings are check in the Setup, Solar Sensor Setup and in the ini file. It has worked in the past.[/img]

those blips are when the reading goes higher than i have allowed on the scale for the extra sensor real time grpah, or lower than i have allowed, and you then end up a strange number
i also see i need to fix the time for the web image
i will check to see and fix the things not showing with the image on the web (like ET and solar %) (but look at the time stamp on the web image, along the bottom of the graph, you are not looking at the same time period).
but I am and have shifted the ET and solar values to a dedicted real time grph…
see under view, solar graph, in verison 9.95b,and see if it that one is better
(as the extra sensor real time graph is getting too clutered and confusing with all the extra sensors that can display there!

Thanks for looking at the graphs. The time gap is my computer (xp) frozen up. The blips only show up when I am looking directly at the program. The actual graph created for the uploads is okay. The two forms of the graph must be different routines?

Brian - I am using the 9.95b version and had shown the VP/UV Solar chart that pops up when clicking on View . . . I have provided a matching screen shot of the two graphs. The one uploaded and the one viewed directly in WD. And last my settings are shown. Hope this helps.

i am hoping 9.95c should fix most of this
let me know

Thanks - I have downloaded the new version 9.95c. Will let you know.

Brian - Sorry. I uploaded 9.95c this morning. Still same blips. Updated the graph shown above as VP UV/Solar 1:22:02 10/29/2003.

the blips is another issue, and are related to the dallas solar sensor
you could try putting in, if you have not already, a pot resister, and so tweak it so the raw volt sens does not over read
i.e what sort of readings are you getting for the volt sens

what i will do though is put a clamp on the maximum calculated solar wm/2 reading from the raw volt sens reading.
that will stop the out of range over scale problem

While you’re in there, maybe check what might happen with signed neagtive voltage values…? I get big spikes only when the solar volts are at 0, and wondered whether it might be converter noise giving occasional small neg values from the labjack… (as it can return -10 to +10 V values… )


Brian -

  1. The graph had been working fine for 6 months or more, then with a new WD version this started to happening. Then a new version fixed it. No with a revision of WD it has begun again.

  2. So you have had it working before and the uploaded graph looks fine, it is when I view the graph within the program on my computer.

  3. Also, the variance in solar has been almost non-existant the last few days because of a storm and a constant cloud cover.

  4. I would install a resister if you believe it would help, but one graph is working, so I don’t think I need the resistor?

  5. Why does the uploaded graph work and the other doesn’t?

Sorry for the trouble. I enjoy downloading your new features and exercising WD. I guess that’s why these items come up.

Thanks for your help.

its pretty easy to upset something for a non main stream thing such as the dallas solar from a volt sens reading, especialy now that I do not use it myself…(I used to)
but I will try an mimik what is happening and fix
ver s9.95d is uploading now