Hi Brian,
I’m still not sure that the way WD is displaying the solar reading is what I’m looking for. Is it possible to have an option whereby a pure percentage figure is displayed as the solar value. Its easily derived from ‘current raw volts’ divided by ‘max volts’ x 100.
I know it seems a bit simplistic but it would be nice to have as an option - even for testing solar setups.
that is what the latest version does know
which will most likely upset someone else, which wants instead the % expressed as that of the max solar for the time of day
i just simply cant please everyone, and, i never will, and i just cant handle it at the moment
Sorry - but thats not what the version 10.17n appears to do. I have selected use % instead of wm/2 but it looks to still be doing that wm/2 calculation.
I’m sorry you are stressed, but as a user I am frustrated with a component that does not appear to work properly, and I’m trying very hard to work with you to solve the issue, and provide suggestions for a solution that will suit everyone - thus I asked for it as an option.
I’d be happy to pay for and send you a 1-wire solar sensor kit if it will help.
10.17o is the latest you need to be using to get it to work that way
its not so much wd that stresfuul
its school PTA (i am president), its the rural fire force (I am the secretary now (i didnt want to be, they begged me)), its the farm, its kids home on holidays, its everything on top of trying to keep everyone happy
but as a user I am frustrated with a component that does not appear to work properly
but that was becuase you had the lat/long set in correct for a long time…
now that we have that sorted out, we can go from there
once my stress levels drop a bit
Don’t ever doubt that we all appreciate your hard work in keeping us users happy, and making WD the versatile program that it is. To support so many different types and versions of weather station with one piece of software is no mean feat, and will obviously lead to the occasional glitch.
Don’t forget to take a bow for yourself, and have a rest occasionaly.
(As a 20 year veteran of the NZ Fire Service I know the stresses that that part of your life places on you)
Thanks again for the great support. And seriously, can I send you that solar sensor kit to add to your arsenal of weather toys to test and develop with?
try a new 10.17p
it has this added as an option in the solar setup
In now, and working as requested.
Thanks again.