Solar jump


Since V10.19 (all versions) there seems to be a problem with the solar setting first thing at sunrise

Although my solar temp sensor is showing heat, the solar reading is still 0% but then as it gets a bit warmer the solar reading jumps from 0 up to the correct reading of 13%.

I am using 10.19L

i was working on stopping the solar % jump around sun set/rise for a non temperature sensor solar sensor,and i see a report that is still happening (although I did not realise I unfixed it), but that has stopped the compensation I had set in for your type of sensor from working (i.e I try to fix for one type and upset for another type)
i will revise it all tomorrow

Hi Brian

I almost hate to post this. I’ts overcast drizzly and rainy here in NE PA USA. I have a Raw reading of 32.4, Current % reading 97%, Max radiation for Lat/Date 0, in the solar setup panel,

Hello Brian,

I have a similar problem. Always in the morning I get 0.5h of sun. But the weather was the whole day cloudy.
I tried to change daylight saving, but I moved only the spike.

I have a Davis VP. WD10.18t

Greetings from germany

OK, looks like 1019O with the additional itlems in the solar setup page has fixed it. Now if I can just get it fine tuned everything will be fine.

:smiley: 8)




what additional items in the solar setup?
i am confused

Additional item? I am confused as well

Sorry - disregard.

Hello Brian,

I have the problem with the solar jump still. I get the problem when the computer changed from summertime to wintertime.
I use WD 10.19_o with WINXP and Davis Vantage Pro Active Plus.

I think I have the right time. You can see this in the screenshot below. I live in germany in the same time zone like Bern or Berlin. I ticked change automatically from summertime to wintertime.

I think I set longitude and latitude correct. See the next screenshot. Germany is in the east of London and on the northern hemisphere. The time for sunrise and sunset are the same as shown in my newspaper.

In the morning my Davis shows the first “current raw reading” at circa 7:52AM (See point 1 in the next screenshot). Sunrise was today at 7:39AM. If the “current raw reading” for example is 12W/m

Hello Brian,

I noticed that with my Settings you see above the “maximum radiation for lat/date” is at sunset (time from WD) 36W/m

in the solar setup, there is a tick for use daylight saving for the max reading from lat/long
you will now have to untick that
(or tick that if now daylight saving)
maybe i need to find some routine that automaticly knows if daylight saving or not

Hello Brian,

I unticked daylight saving for the max reading from lat/long now.

do you have any minute offset set?
if so, set that to zero
in the solar setup

I have it unticked and set it to “0” since two days

which version of WD?
maybe try a more recent one?