Solar information is missing on 48 and 72 hours graphs

Solar information is missing on 48 and 72 hours graphs. Is there a place that this needs to be turned on?

are you sure?
anyone else see this?
(no , yes, me too, at this stage)
are you using 10.12r greg?

yeppers is missing of mine also Brian which is currently 10.12Q, but no big deal, not much sun LOL

zip and email me your data file, monthextra62004.inf
and i will see whats up

now, is this missing just on the web graph 48 and 72 hours?
i.e is the 48 and 72 hours on the main screen OK?

11:30pm here, time to hit the sack

only 48 and 72 hour Brian u can see it on my link, is on the main page

I have exactly the same thing, on the screenshot, on the 24 hour, on the 7 day, not on the 48 hour, not on the 72 hour. I thought I just hadn’t checked something, but after seeing Greg’s post I couldn’t find anything to check.

How or where are you getting the labels above your 24, 48 ,72, etc. graphs?

I edited the relevant datahtm*.txt file, I think it was datahtm2.txt, but whichever one has the tags for those files :)[code:1]

48 Hour Weather History


No the main screen 48 and 72 hr graphs are fine Brian, it is only on the web graphs. do you still need that file ?

try a new 10.12r now :slight_smile:

No worries, that seems to have fixed it here brian, Thank you !! :smiley:
I also managed to download the full versio in 1 minute 15 sec’s :wink: