Solar graphing error

Just installed a solar sensor and getting to grips on setup.

I assume the only way to display solar on the Temp/Rain/Hum part of the main screen is to tick the box

someone else reported that…
i am planning on getting a solar sensor with my davis VP i have running here with wd soon…

but i will have a look in the code tomorrow to see why this happening
(i suspect its trying to scale for indoor humdity, and the spike is becuase the scale is over scaled)

I noticed the same problem using my 2510 (all 100 percent). The solar graph data is also missing when I turn off my computer at 10pm at night and on the next day at 9AM. All solar graphing is missing between those times. The other qurk for another subject is all other data is brought in a 3 hour time period insead of 11 hours so the graph jumps from 01 to 09 hours. At that point it starts doing solar and proper timing again (realtime)

re the squashed up data…do you have it set as a ws2500 console?

Yes, the windows INI file shows “Name=WS2500PC15”. Brian see my two comments at the end of the subject below “WS 2500 PC and Error Message”.

ok, i see the problem in the code, i had it hard coded to a ws2500 pc (5 minutes updates)
i will get the solar working, from the data extraction.and then update a new version

just stuck the solar sensor outside, i will have to wait for some readings to download (will take a few hours!)


Just to confirm the solar display goes to 6454% after using the solar setup.

I have discovered that it sorts itself out after using the Graph Set up panel.

But leaves a large spike

just done a test with the ws2500 pc
data from solar worked OK after a restart
make sure you have ticked, store the solar reading as extra temperature #4 for graphing

in the solar setup

check that

as for spike, no problem where, but i did find and remove a line of code that might have caused that…
for the next version…