Solar Graph

The solar percent which was green blocked in, is not showing up on the graph since i updated to 10.16q i have been away for the past two weeks and it was working ok the times i accessed it (using 15z both units) while away.
Have i missed something while i was away
In my case the solar percent is the most useful part of the solar graph and that is why it is on my site

i have made a change
is this on the solar real time graph?
try ticking, plot % instead of wm/2, in the solar setup

Ok that got it back, but how do i change the colour, two yellow plots on one graph and i have solar % blocked so the other will disappear on sunny days, unable to find anything in colour setup.
One other thing i noticed is that the clear records button disappears when you run the cursor over the graph

PS yes solar real time graph to all of the above