Solar Descriptons

Can someone please give me a list of all the solar descriptions that are outputted to the XML file and the customtag file under %currentsolardescription%.

Thanx in Advanced

partly cloudy
mainly cloudy
night time/dusk/dawn

note i have made a tweak to improve a problem with the sunny showing when its really dark during the day…but i need to fine tune that more…

ok, so where are the things like Raining, Drizzle etc what are they under and what are the rest of them?

go to setup, control panel, summary image and icon setup, then click on set names for rain threshholds…there you can change them

ok, I can understand that. They arn’t quite what I am after. I am looking for the actual names that are displayed in the XML file, not just the threashold settings, even though they are handy to know.

that is them, in that name setup screen (that screen enables you to change the description, e,g for another language, etc)

Oh ok. I am with you now. I didn’t see it down the bottom of the screen because it was off screen. I am with you now. Ta Thanx Brian.