Solar data making no sense in MySQL

Right I have done some more testing. I have deleted all the records from my database and reloaded using month122004.inf. Now when Brian mentioned temp #4 for graphing I realised that I should be looking at extra_temperature_sensor_4 for the w/m2 solar data and lo and behold it is there BUT it shows values for the hours starting at 00:00:00 on 25th (yes my PC went to bed late on Xmas morning) and the data stops at around 08:04:00 with nothing shown for the hours of daylight. Similar things can be seen on other days. Also all of the data shows up in extra_temperature_sensor_7 as well at the same times. Also there is nothing in the actual_solar_reading fields at all for the imported data. Something is defintively wrong here!

Now I have to wait for daylight tomorrow to see what gets recorded where in MySQL, but when I was watching it today (prior to deleting the data) something was showing up in actual_solar which looked like a %.

just did a test…16 hours data downloaded (overnight)
missing solar was graphed OK on the main screen graph (i had ticked to store as extra temp #4,and ticked to plot solar on graph instead of indoor hum
so that is good
but the real time solar/uv graph did not update, so I will have to fix that

for the missing mysql data, I will get it to update that missing data, and I will also get wunderground to update its missing data too, as you can actualy insert old data ok to wunderground
will take a bit of work, but will be a good thing
(and the normal odbc wd.mdb database I iwll need to update with the missing data too
so, hang in there , and we will get there

Just to complete the picture about the solar data. I have now checked my data in the MySQL database and I can see the raw solar data being stored this morning but it is using extra_temperature_sensor_5 not 4 as you said it should so maybe that is why your solar plotting is not working either if it is storing the data as sensor 5 and not 4!!

I am also getting a % value in actual_solar_reading column as well.