Snow Depth Conversion

It appears that when Snow Depth is input into WD in Inch format, the conversion to cm WD does is putting the decimal point in the wrong place. For an example, When I entered 3 in. yesterday, WD calculated it to 76.2 cm instead of 7.62 cm.

ok, i have the decimal place in the wrong position, to get to cm
uploading a new 10.20r now that should fix this

The same thing is happening on the rain to date page. .254 mm ends up as 1 inch while about .24something gives you .0something. Sure would be easier if we could just input inches!


you mean under barometer offsets and rainfall?
I just tested, works OK
I entered 1 , for yearly rainfall, and had inches ticked, clicked on set, then yes to save setttings, and the year rain on the main screen is 25.4mm, which is correct

you mean under barometer offsets and rainfall?

No. It’s on the “rain to date” page you get to when you click in the lower left corner (rain statistics area) on the main screen.


I just tested
works OK
I entered 1.0
had use inches ticked, clicked on update manualy, and 1.0 inche is shown on the column graph, correctly

(note the mouse over on the 3D graph pop up value shows 0.9887 or so…that is out of my control, its a component I have used, and it has some problems with rouding, after converting to inches…
is that what you mean?
i will have to think about how I can improve that

Something must be very strange with my setup somewhere.

I have inches checked. I’m using version 10.20r (although this problem has been consistent with previous versions.)

If I click on “correct” for any day, I get a prompt to enter mm. Yes “use inches” is checked. I’m trying to enter “.1 inch” If I enter 1 or .1 it shows .004 inch. If I enter .254 or 0.254 or 254 is shows 1 inch. If I enter 245 or .245 shows .965 inches.

BTW…“input snow” still won’t let me input snow. Only thing I can do is select month. No input areas/boxes visible.

I think I’m going to have to do a rebuild of my weather computer when I get some time and start over. Don’t know what else to do.


ah, i see now, using the correct button…you had not made that very clear
I will do some testing of that

BTW..."input snow" still won't let me input snow. Only thing I can do is select month. No input areas/boxes visible.

where abouts are you trying to do this in WD, can you explain in more detail and or provide screen shots

re the rain last 7 days, using the correct button, its says to enter it as mm
so that is where the problem is, if you enter it as inches, then that is the problem
I am uploading a new 10.20t now that lets you enter it as inches of rain
I will also do some testing of the snow input, and that value in WDL too

Good news
done testing (amazing I hear you say)
I have finally got the correct snow amount being sent to WDL now if you are entering the snow amount in inches via input daily weather
BUT,its shows as cm’s in the data to WDL and on WDL, no matter if inches is selected in WDL
so, Julian just needs to convert it to inches, like he does for rain already , in WDL, if inches is selected, in the next verison of WDL< due soon :slight_smile:

uploading this fix for WD as 10.20u now

ah, i see now, using the correct had not made that very clear

I think that is part of my problem Too many ways to do something.

Correct rain thing works! Thanks! Sure would be nice if it updated the monthly & yearly totals too though. Is there an easy way to do that other than the control pannel/ofsets-settings? Minor annoyance…but I don’t always remember to figure out the totals I need to enter before I get to that screen. Probably no easy way to do this, but sure would be nice if these type of screens could include the current settings/values.

Regarding snow thing…input daily… #-o! I had been reading the “inputed snow” under view as “input snow”. What can I say…old eyes… :oops:

Thanks for all the help!
