Lately (at least since 10.17, maybe before that) I’ve found that “Save and Exit” doesn’t stop the watchdog or the clientraw realtime ftp programs - even though I’ve waited several minutes for it to happen. I’m reluctant to stop them manually, because in the past that would cause them to quit right after they were started when you restart WD. Is this broken, or am I missing some setting that changed when I wasn’t looking?
I don’t use the watchdog but in a recent exchange with Brian he recommended the following for the clientraw realtime ftp
double click the icon, to make the program visible
then click on the X to close the program
works for me
I know that works - it just isn’t the way I thought it was supposed to be done.
There was a timed shut down, but if WD was restarted quickly you could get multiple instances of clientrawrealtimeftp. Now it checks to see if it’s already running before starting another. I guess if you are in the habit of starting and stopping WD it’s a pain to have to shutdown clientrawetc but I think the way it is now there’s less chance of problems in normal operation, esp if you use the watchdog (which also does the same check before starting).
It was annoying last weekend when I did about 5 WD updates in under 48 hours. I kept on forgetting to kill off the clientraw ftp updater and the installer got upset every time!
Now it checks to see if it's already running before starting another.
I thought this too - but it certainly does not work under Windows ME ( yes I know, serves me right for using such an old OS :? )
I also this morning had 2 copies of it running for some reason - the second just appeared overnight.
yes, bristolwx is correct (yet again!!)
maybe ME works differently though re wd knowing what programs are running…
yes, bristolwx is correct (yet again!!)
Sorry, Brian - I didn’t get the reference to bristolwx - didn’t see such a person in this thread, so I don’t know what it is that he/she is right about. Is WD supposed to automatically kill off watchdog and realtimeftp when it exits? Is it supposed to detect itself already running when it starts and silently exit? Or is it supposed to detect watchdog and realtimeftp already running and not start them? Whichever way I’m happy, I just want to understand how it’s supposed to work.
it was very late at night, after our trip away
it should have been nikoshepard…LOL…
Or is it supposed to detect watchdog and realtimeftp already running and not start them
thats the one