When I ticked “Show daily wind” in “units/other settings”, main screen display current day windrun.
If I use m/s WD convert this value wrong. E.g today windrun is 63.1km, but if I change wind units from km/h to m/s windrun is 17.6m. Should be 63100m! 8O
This option work ok with other units, only m/s calculate this value wrong.
yes, I enjoyed it, the vacation (holiday we call it)
except one day when i had a bit of a relapse of being sick again.
there is so many great outdoor things to do with kids here in summer in NZ
Hi again,
Also dailyreport.htm calculates this value wrong.
Could you change windrun value to km instead of m/s? E.g. 36.00km not 36000m Same like then when wind unit is chosen km/h.