According to a report on the internet (so you know it must be true) - bad news for man, good news for monitors 8O
Mon Jul 12 2004 18:17:38 ET
The collapse of the earth’s magnetic field, which both guards the planet and guides many of its creatures, appears to have started in earnest about 150 years ago, the NY TIMES is planning to report on Page Ones Tuesday.
Science reporter Bill Broad has filed a report, according to newsroom sources, which explores how: 'The field’s strength has waned 10 percent to 15 percent so far and this deterioration has accelerated of late, increasing debate over whether it portends a reversal of the lines of magnetic force that normally envelop the earth."
Broad explains: “During a reversal, the main field weakens, almost vanishes, and then reappears with opposite polarity. Afterward, compass needles that normally point north would point south, and during the thousands of years of transition much in the heavens and Earth would go askew.”
Broad claims: “A reversal could knock out power grids, hurt astronauts and satellites, widen atmospheric ozone holes, send polar auroras flashing to the equator and confuse birds, fish and migratory animals that rely on the steadiness of the magnetic field as a navigation aid.”
Does this mean I will have to update my Latitude Longitude to 35.8464
I recall seeing a Nova episode about this one PBS, quite enlighting…
the real question is, how will this affect those auroa screensavers on computer moniters??? :lol:
Probably time to buy stock in Trimble and Garmin 
which could explain:
CHASE LAKE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, North Dakota (AP) – The air here this time of year usually is filled with the grunts and squawks of thousands of white pelicans and their chicks. The giant birds have made the refuge their home for at least 100 years.
Now their nesting grounds are quiet. The pelicans are gone – and no one knows why.
Hmmmmmm :oops:
Acc to this it only takes an average of 7K years for the reversal, so I guess I’ll have to stop working on the Y10K problem and worry about the Y9K problem first :lol:
(I see that googling missing pelicans is a good way to generate a list of conspiracy sites 8) )
probably also explains why my antenna on the weather station fell, sudden shift of the magnetic force or squirrels. The antenna from my VP fell off , it was one of those wire antennas, but Davis is to express out a retrofit kit and things will be better, but considering this thread, either squirrels getting revenge, Rabbits from Hell or gravitational shifts.

:roll: [/url]
Calm now… facing reality of doing other non-weather functions…
Ornithologists in North Dakota are puzzling over the disappearance
of an entire colony of white pelicans from Chase Lake National
Wildlife Refuge, where the huge birds have been nesting for at
least 100 years. The adult birds all vanished between May and
June of this year, leaving only the younger pelicans in the
vicinity of Chase Lake. Meanwhile, wildlife experts in Arizona
are dealing with a sudden and mysterious influx of brown pelicans,
which have been discovered crashing on roadways from Yuma to
Phoenix. Scientists say these events suggest that pelicans are
learning from humans, where the old white residents of northern
areas retire to sunnier climes, get great tans and drive badly
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Meanwhile in England:
SHEFFIELD, England – A man who shot himself in the groin after drinking 15 pints of beer and stuffing a sawed-off shotgun down his trousers was jailed for five years Tuesday for illegal possession of a firearm.
he probably didn’t feel it until the next day. The Brits a hearty lot. 
Probably got tired of waiting for his govenment health service vasectomy.
sudden shift of the magnetic force or squirrels.
Why ‘or’ :?:
Perhaps squirrels are affected by changes in the magnetic field just like pelicans appear to be? Maybe the magnetic field changed whilst a squirrel was above the antenna, the squirrel felt disorientated, fell off and grabbed the antenna on the way down to try to save itself?
I think you are onto something there Chris. Aardvark needs to upgrade to GPS equipped squirrels.
The NY Times article is out now if you get their pesky login screen you can use ID shv5023 password av8rsmd (courtesy of
yep, Chris that is the ticket. And those folks at Davis, “sure we will ship it over night, yep, for sure.” didn’t . OH poopy.
I think I am going to join the circus. No? ok, I’ll mow the lawn.
That is about as convincing as the latest news that Jenna Bush has applied for a teaching job in Harlem. See definitely a shift in the magentic field.\
Explains all.
thank you for that....... I recall seeing that on /. but I couldn't find it....... :D :D
And those folks at Davis, "sure we will ship it over night, yep, for sure." didn't . OH poopy.
Perhaps Davis did ship it, but their carrier navigates the old way using a compass rather than a GPS unit and is currently attempting to deliver it to an aardvark in South Africa?
you are all re-assuring, puts my mind a rest. yep.
And those folks at Davis, "sure we will ship it over night, yep, for sure." didn't . OH poopy.
Perhaps Davis did ship it, but their carrier navigates the old way using a compass rather than a GPS unit and is currently attempting to deliver it to an aardvark in South Africa?
looks nice to me [](
Just don’t show this to my wife, she might want to go there, and drag me along. Now the left turn at Chickenland, makes me wonder if this is the South African version of the Chicken Ranch. ( Not that I ever was there,but I bet there is a DAVIS VP there, and I don’t mean the Davis Vantage Pro either.!!)