I am forever having problems with my WS=2010 and it not correctly reading data from the datalogger. Just of late ever 24 hours or so, WD keeps “Retrying” the Datalogger and say that it can’t find it. If I exit the program I have a process in the system that uses 98% CPU useage which I have to kill (which is a pain cus I use PC Anyware to accesss it) and it reports that there is a com port error. The only way I can get the computer to read the data logger is to reboot the machine…
Does anyone have any ideas? Is this a bug in WD or is there something else?
is this with a ws2500?
( i thought you were using a ws2010-13 data logger in an email I sent you)
the com port for both types is not actualy in use until the data is read…
and at that point the station needs to be “woken up”
its a very primitive weather station as far as data to the pc goes…i.e the cpu in the weather station can not do anything while communicating with the pc…
but i have worked hard on resolving issues with the ws2500, and as a the moment, for a while now, there are very few issues reported, which is a good sign…except your situation…the fact that is a remote site makes it difficult…
so, at this stage, i am not sure what the solution is…/.//
which version of wd are you using at the moment (maybe try the latest?)
Yes sorry my bad… I have a WS-2010-13 as a gata logger…
I was using the frest few versions of 10.15 and it wasn’t till 10.15w that it started, to stop. I haven’t seen it do it since too much. And if it has its allways recovered after a few attempts.
It does it, but its not as bas as it was… IE now its actually collecting the data.