I’m new to WD and this forum. I’ve searched the forum but no luck. I have an Vaisala WXT520 I’m trying to connect to WD on my Mac. I have the WXT520 set to RS232, (19200 baud, 8, N, 1) wired to a B&B ERS901 Ethernet Serial Server (19200 baud, 8, N, 1), connected to my Mac with Cat6. So far I have not been able to get any data into WD. When I click on Debug Info, I get “set the comport OK to speed 19200” and “#connected OK to com port /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port 15”, which is really puzzling because i’m not trying to connect with Bluetooth. I’ve tried to close the Bluetooth and iPhone ports but it keeps on opening the Bluetooth port. I’ve tried changing every setting imaginable but nothing works. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
what shows in the list of com ports to select?
In WD - Comport Number
in Data via TCP
_______ Port
____________ Server
Connect now
I finally got the WCT520 talking to the ESR901 Serial Server with a Virtual Com on my Mac laptop running Windows XP with Parallels, but can not get it to talk to WD on my iMac (I don’t have Paralles on my iMac)
is any of those in the list the actual serial port?