Round vs square items

I prefer round items on my dashboard but I would like to change just one customised temp block to square. Is that possible?

I am “out of office” until Jan 3.
It should be possible, but have to test it first.


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Done a bit more digging, and found the following around line 343 in PWS_index2.php:

if (isset ($_REQUEST['round']) || (isset ($use_round) && $use_round == true ) ) { $strng_style .= '.PWS_round { border-radius: 50%;}'.PHP_EOL; } else { $strng_style .= '.PWS_round { border-radius: 3px;}'.PHP_EOL; }

So it can be done by adding border-radius: 3px; to the style attributes of <div class="PWS_round" in the block required – in my case, around line 380 of garden temp_c_block.php:

<div class="PWS_round" style= "margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 10px; height: 102px; width: 102px; overflow: hidden; border-style: solid; border-radius: 3px; border-width: 3px; border-color: #808080; text-align: center; color: '.$black.';">

Can be used the other way round (add border-radius: 50%;) if you want one block “round”.

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