From everything I have read you should be able to resize dials, gauges and tanks for Custom Screens by pressing “ctrl” and then use your mouse to resize.
I am running 10.20x and when I press “ctrl” I get a 4 headed arrow mouse pointer that simply allows me to move the image. Which I can do by simply clicking on the image and dragging it…
I also noted that I am unable to “drag” the clock image if inserted into a custom screen. The only way I have been able to move it has been to right click and select "move ‘direction’ " which is umm slow… LOL
All it does for me is move the image. Doesn’t allow to make larger or smaller…
Additionally I just created a custom screen I am using in my sig here. It was fine when I first set it but now it is showing two images that are not in that custom screen. They were just added to custom screen 2… Weird
oh, sounds like there are some bugs…some interactions between the custom screens…
I will have to go over the code with a fine tooth comb…
is it just certain things, like the temperature gauge and something else ?
also, re the resizing…you might have to restart WD to get that to work…
re the clock, that component does not have a hook for the mouse like normal…so that is the reason for it has to be manualy moved
It appears that none of the images (dials, gauges, temp and tank) that can be added to the Custom Screen will resize for me at all. I can move them around without any problem just cannot resize them.
Well if the clock has no mouse hooks then it can be caught by the mouse
just tested here…
works ok for m (hold down the ctrl key, then move the mouse at the same time)
but maybe even try a PC reboot to maybe reset that keyboard/mouse hook???
(I think Dan said he had to do that)
(and if you are like me, he hate having to the reboot the PC, LOL (my pc has been ON for 19 days now (windows up time))
Nothing I can’t live with BUT… just so you know Brian…
Custom Sceen 10 as you know is on my front page. My Sig is Custom Screen 1. I noted that the sig banner, Custom screen 1 was showing the upper portions of the wind elements, the two speed dials and the direction element…
I opened custom screen 1, looked fine, saved settings, and it was fine on next upload.
BUT… then I noted that the three wind elements were missing completely from Custom Screen 10… I opened Custom screen 10, looked fine (except for that pesky one pointer), saved the settings and on the next upload the elements all appear once again.
However as you will note in the sig banner, custom screen 1, the top bit of each wind element is showing in the very bottom of that image…
More fun i am sure… NOT. anyway just wanted to bring it to your attention as this is completely reproducible for me…
for the wind direciton pointer, scroll all the way down, then untick, hook up wind direciton pointer (i.e untoggle)
when you right mouse click…
re the conflict:
one thing that migth help is to stager the creaton of the custom screens a bit??
i will see if i can duplicate with your settings
Been un ticking it everytime I open that screen… it is shown as on, I turn off… it is shown as on I turn off LOL
I also click on Show wind pointers, to position, this adds a number of pointers and then I click on it a second time and they all go away… and then when I look that one lil sucker is back again…
Well… I guess today was my “dohhhh” day… I been waiting all day for 10.20b and kept checking and kept checking and then I see Brian posted in another thread he was uploading… still I see nothing.
Then I see someone respond they have the upgrade and I still see nothing…
Well you know it helps to look at the zip file version once in awhile… LOL
Anyway I have 10.20b installed now and I do see the radio buttons to select the custom screens now… but the nastly ole pointer is still there, and I still have the issues with the screens bleeding over…
Just as an update and as I said, this doesn’t seem to be an immediate issue for anyone else and I would rank this as a WIBNI fix and not anything to consider a priority Brian.
Thanks and I will be checking back tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after… and … LOL