Reset/clear 12 hr graph

Version 10.16s

  1. Just had to reset the 12 hour graph and noticed that the solar data did not clear. (I’m plotting the solar in the temp/humidity graph).

  2. Also the solar data is showing behind the horizontal graph grid lines, whereas all other data sits on- top of them.

yeah, i guess i need to reset that as well…

yes, thats a good thing…otherwise if you have it blocked in (looks nice, see in the graph setup), then you would not be able to see anything else

Yes I have it blocked in. I agree behing the other plot lines is good, but behind the grid lines looks strange. :?

i dont have hour grid line…for the temp/hum/solar graph
best not too…without them, you can instead get to see the time from the cursor line position
see under setup, graph setup, and tick, plot time at cursor for temp/hum grph (not retrospective)

I unchecked ‘show the hour lines’. Its gone from the wind/baro graph and the direction graph, but keeps coming back to the temp/humidity graph at each screen update. :?

Also is there a way to get rid of the horizontal ‘--------’ graph lines? These are the ones that are appearing in front of the blocked in solar graph.

thats not the correct tick…
its: time from cursor instead of hour plot on temp/hum graph

try chaning their colour to less noticable under the colour setup

thats not the correct tick.... its: time from cursor instead of hour plot on temp/hum graph

Fixed - thanks.

lines: try chaning their colour to less noticable under the colour setup

I changed the grid lines to the same as the solar blocked in colour, so its pretty good now.

Once again, thanks for the great support.

thats good
have you had a chance to try that test download for the 1 wire?

Yep - in and running now. Shows as 10.16v

So far so good, the pc certainly runs fine except for the times when its updating the screen/graphs, not sure how that relates to the reading of the 1-wire devices. I have it on running on WIN ME, never the best O/S but satisfactory foe now. Anything in particular I should look out for?

generaly ME is regarded as a bit of a disastor…
so, what to look out for:
is the program a bit more responsive?
(to mouse movements, scrolling, moving down drop down menus, etc)

Yes I agree totally that ME is a disaster :lol: I already had it on the PC and was too lazy to change it. Plus with only a PII and 128 MB of RAM…well what more can I say :roll:

Performance wise it looks to have the same sluggish issues as before (scrolling, waiting for dialogues to appear etc), only less often if you see what I mean.

There seems to be a funny with WDL not updating off the clientraw.txt file, but I haven’t tracked that down yet. WDL seemed to go fine for a while (much better than it had before) then stopped updating. I checked the ftp application and the file was still uploading with no errors. I managed to kick-start it again by doing a reset in the ftp application. :?

WDL is much better behaved (in my case) if I just copy up the clientraw.txt file direct, rather than using the renaming method.

thats good :slight_smile:

i just added soil temperature to my WDL page
great software that!