I would like to be able to turn off the possibility to change the units that is being used.
It confuses my users that when they press >temperature< "nothinh happens but suddenly the display is in Fahrenheit.
Displaying the buttons could be optional would it be all of them or just some?
you mean that its not until the next update that it changes to oF?
maybe Julian you have it update it immediatly?
It updates for me immediately. If it doesn’t for you please let me know the address of the website so I can investigate.
i can confirm that with my one, it updates straight away too
which WDL version are you using?
1.04 is the latest and greatest
I think what Jesper is saying is the button captions are a bit misleading. It’s not that logical that when I push a button labeled temperature that the temperature display readings are going to change from C to F. Maybe the button should read Temperature Units or maybe that whole section needs a change units “wrapper” around it. Maybe even just one button that states English Units and it toggles to Metric Units. Just throwing out ideas. It seems there is a lot of real-estate taken up by buttons that simply change the units.
I could make them all smaller. I did have a label next to them that said ‘units’ originally but it had to go as I ran out of space!
I think what Jesper is saying is the button captions are a bit misleading. It's not that logical that when I push a button labeled temperature that the temperature display readings are going to change from C to F. Maybe the button should read Temperature Units or maybe that whole section needs a change units "wrapper" around it. Maybe even just one button that states English Units and it toggles to Metric Units. Just throwing out ideas. It seems there is a lot of real-estate taken up by buttons that simply change the units.Correct and basically I do not need the possibility to change units. We have been metric in Europe for some time. But at least a more descriptive label would be good.
ahh, but you never know who will visit your site…they might be from the USA…
but, Julian, maybe an option in the config file to not show the temperature button??
It’s not just the temperature button the same applies for all the buttons. 0X
Should be able to do that - next version!