Req : Beaufort scale for wind

Hi Julian,

Is it possible to also incorporate the Beaufort scale for wind-strenght. e.g. choose between m/s, kph, bft etc… within WD-Live ?

Thanks and Cheers, Aad

Should be possible - I’ll add to the list.


but you would end up with dials/numbers not changing much, which goes against being live…as the beufort scale is only 1 to 12
but i guess it enables people to switch to that scale to see what the windspeed is on that scale

I think it would have to just affect the text beneath the dial. As Brian says the dials would otherwise be crude.


Only the text is ok ! (as long as there is also a refence to the units used for the scale)

Maybe you can make a seperate textfield…

thanks for thinking about it.

cheerz, Aad