Reloading WD

Hi Rick

I note from Brians comments that the computer switched off suddenly? If that is true, then maybe it’s the power supply that is at fault. If it is, it’s a fairly low cost item and easy to replace. I can understand your frustrations…wish I was closer and I could sort it for you.



I was just refering to the fact he had shut off the PC (to then it all going again)
i.e a forced turn off

I had problems on my PC earlier this year that I initially thought were software crashes, I went through the whole PC diagnosing the fault, unplugging drives, updating firmware/BIOS, replacing Memory, Graphics cards etc to no avail. I changed my PSU for a new one with more capacity (850W) and I’ve not had any problems since.

Hi Guys,

Thanks VERY much for all your advice. It was and is most appreciated. I really was in a bad place and ready to walk away from it all. However, I have not done that. Instead, I have reloaded WD onto a small notebook computer. So far, all is good. My IT consultant has shut whop until 9 January so I have to wait a while now to do anything with my normal WD computer. That

Aaaaaah. PSU is Power Supply Unit #-o. Isn’t Google wonderful.


OK, I’m now running WD on a Notebook. Three times now it has crashed with the following dialogue box message:

“WD has stopped working” (as if I didn’t know that). “A problem caused the program to stop working correctly” (brilliant deduction. Really helpful). “Windows will close the program . . . .”

What a load of cr*p.

Each of the three times I was surfing the net and, clearly, using system resources. The Notebook has an Intel Atom CPU N280 @ 1.66 GHz and 1 GB RAM. It is noticeably slower than the HP Laptop.

Is the problem just that the Notebook is not good enough and I should avoid doing anything on it or is it something deeper. For example, that I copied all the WD files from the old computer across to this one following instructions concerns me should one of the WD files have been corrupted, despite reinstalling WD for the latest downloads.

Any thoughts would be appreciated please. [It just failed again while I was typing this post].



I would have started off on the other pc with no settings transfered across
and just your data only

OK. That makes sense. However, the website instructions (topic,9324.0.html), state clearly to copy C\wdisplay and all sub directories across. I suppose that assumes the original was in good working order #-o :oops:.

If I were to start again, which folders should I copy across, please? I thought:

  • alldayvideo
  • databackup
  • datafiles
  • logfiles
  • webcam

Any others?



OK. I’ve done that and it all seems to be running very smoothly. However, I should not count my chickens just yet, eh? It is looking good though. Therefore it would seem that I had a corrupted file in WD, somewhere. Unfortunately, it was the last option I checked and has unnecessarily cost me some $250 in computer/modem/router repairs/replacements.

I do have one problem, though – getting my webcam doing what it should. First up, I tried using the “New All Day Video” setup, but couldn’t get it to work as simple as it might seem to some. So, I reverted to the old set up, copying screen images I had filed away to ensure it was all set up correctly. And I deleted all files in the AllDayVideo folder, clicked on “set” in the file save tab in the wdwebcamcapture program and, then, clicked on “save settings”. Dutifully, at three minutes past the hour, it makes the videolasthour file. If there is nothing in the alldayvideo folder, it gets stored there. However, it there is anything there, it disappears into the wide blue yonder. That means I can only get to see the video last hour if it has been copied to an empty folder.

What have I done wrong, please.



PS. It just dawned on me that maybe the videolasthour is being uploaded to the web, but not stored in the alldayvideo folder if there is a file there already. I’ll test that

you would be best to use the new setup
as its simpler

you select the web cam image (i.e not time stamped, e.g jpgwebcam.jpg)
to create the time stamped files from
then you select the folder where you want those time stamped files createed
then you select the folder where you want the video files created
(eg 3 different folders )
make sure to be using the most recent WD version as well

Hi Windy,

Ok. I did all that – I think. Please see the attachment. However, it still does not work as I would expect – but maybe that’s my problem :roll:. At two minutes past the hour the videolasthour is made. At three minutes past the hour it appears as an *.swftemp file in alldayvideo for a minute or so, then disappears. However, it has been uploaded to the web and my website. Under the old system, it stayed in alldayvideo until replaced by the next one. Now, it only gets to stay there if I manually delete any files that are there, i.e.only one file seems to be able to be there at a time. The same process is repeated by videolastday a few minutes later.

Thanks for making the system so much simpler. Windy, you’re a genius :D.

I guess it didn’t work for me before because I must misspelled something. I am not the most accurate of typists.



PS. It seems I can’t include the attachment – must be corrupted. However, it is probably not all that necessary.

PPS I just had a go at making the attachment again and it said that it is not writable? Dunno why? It is small enough (50 KB)

the videolasthour.swftemp is just a temporary copy of the file when its uploaded to your web site
that temporary copy is then deleted
you should still have videolasthour.swf , the original, there in the folder
(try refreshing the contents of the folder)

Done that, and no, it only is found in alldayvideo IF the folder does not contain an older version of the file. If I delete any files there, a new one is retained just after the hour. If I don’t, it is not retained. But what do you mean by “refreshing the contents”? I assume you mean delete whatever it there.



And it

thats some sort of file error
check the size of the ftplog.txt file
delete that if its large
also did you look into the http download settings, and what you had set there?

I did find this via google for I/O error 8
8 FileNameNotDefined Attempt to erase or rename a file with no name

so for some reason there ends up being a file with no name it looks like?

I have checked for that
in this version


HTTP Download.gif

Just a thought haven’t read the whole thread BUT are your folders and files setup with the correct permissions maybe that’s why it won’t write to the file not allowed??? 8O Maybe you don’t have it set to give full permission to read write exc…

I have checked for that in this version

?? Again, what do you want me to do?

simply download, and unzip that file to where you have WD installed

or use the latest update download of WD

the pc running out of resources is most likely the cause of the problems
use task manager to check on the memory use of programs running

I am not totally sure how to check that. Suffice to say, WD usually runs fine after a reboot for a couple of days after which it falls on its face. Also, I have networked the WD computer with two others using TeamViewer and never have any problems transferring files. However, I have never tried to transfer any WD files. Even so, maybe I’ll make it a habit of checking System Resources for a couple of days as suggested by Brian and see if that shows anything up. Thanks for your thoughts.

Done and thanks again.

