Record Value errors

Looking at record values for here to date this month, I see a couple of discrepancies.
The “record High temp” and the “warmest day” values do not match up. Should they not be same …??
The “warmest night” ( 6pm to 6am ) shows up as 32.6 yet the min temp for the night recorded was 29.6 deg. ??

“Warmest/coldest day” (06:00 to 18:00) and “warmest/coldest night” (18:00 to 06:00) temps are 12-hour averages, so they do not necessarily match the record high/low temps.

Bitsostring is correct that it is a 12 hr period BUT as can be seen in screen shot the “Record high temp” is 44.4 deg c @ 16:53 [ 4:53 pm ] on 20 th Jan, and the “Warmest day” ( 6am to 6pm ) is 36.9 deg c . on same day… a difference of 7.5 deg …

and the “Warmest night” ( 6 pm to 6am ) temp is indicated as 32.6 deg c, when the actual temp is shown on "
“Minimum temp” value as 29.6 deg @ 4:03 on same morning.

Therefore, Record values are incorrect.

If they’re averages then I’m not sure how you can extrapolate from a single high or low value to say the average is wrong?

These are NOT averages… They are RECORD high / low values for given period.
In this case they are for [ to date ] Jan 25.

To get the average take the highest and lowest reading in the day 6am till 6pm add together and divide by 2 same applies at night
WD may well add all the readings together and divide by the number of readings

In this thread Problems AVG/EXT recheck Brian states that they are 12 hour averages calculated from data each minute.

How did this topic get to “Averages” ??.
My original post was in regard to RECORD values recorded for a period, in my case the record data is for Jan this year, which is not been recorded correctly … !!

Your original question:

Answer: No

They can not match as the timeframes are different.
High-/ low-temps are based on one measurement , so one value only

Warmest/Coldest temps are based on the average of all High- or low-temps from the whole 12 hour period.



OK … I stand corrected …
BUT … it would be nice to be able to read these calculations in the “Handbook” book of how / when / where / or why…

I’ve just updated the tag details in the Wiki - Records - Weather-Watch Wiki