Record Rain in 1 Hour

Due to my end-of-month crashes of WD my records were messed up as they never were reset at midnight. Tonight, I watched the roll-over and it appears to have happened with no problem. However, while checking the records I have one that is not working as expected.

Current month “Record Rain in 1 Hour” shows “-0.039 in at 11:08 on Oct 23 2004”

Strange that it’s a negative number, and that it shows a date for last month. I searched the wdisplay.ini file and was not able to locate where it stores this setting. I checked the 102004lg.txt file and it looks ok. Should I just reset it manually, or, try to figure out why it’s messed up?

Hmmm, installed 10.18x and now its ok.

its a negative number so that even zero rain will be greater than a negative number…once you get some rain…and its not until you would get some rain that the date would get set to the current date.

at least its good the end of the month problem i did acutaly fix

Ok, thanks.

Yes, very nice to have a clean end-of-month roll-over…

The records look much better now, at least they make sense. Now when I look at records for this month they all show a date in Nov!

You’re doing a fantastic job Brian. I REALLY appreciate the time and effort you put into fixing WD!!! :notworthy: