There’s no doubt the svg viewer is a great improvment in Weather Display, however, it happends with me that, once I tick to produce clientraw.txt file, all data items, suddenly, become different: temperature falls about 7
There’s no doubt the svg viewer is a great improvment in Weather Display, however, it happends with me that, once I tick to produce clientraw.txt file, all data items, suddenly, become different: temperature falls about 7
try checking in the client/server setup, bottom right hand corner, you do not have tiocked, use the clientraw.txt file from this location
(but it sounds like you have checked that?)
worse comes to worse, go to action, backup regsitry, click on back up, then email me the file wdisplayftp.reg from the databackup folder
i have nearly finished adding the gust pointer code
(been at playcenter with the kids this morning)
Hi, Brian
Well, this time all went right, I really don’t know why, but maybe because I did things the same way, but in the opposite order. Possible? The truth is I only get data errors in barometer, but resetting WD everything goes ok.
When I uploaded the files from svg.zip to the server, everything seemed to be ok. Then, when I tried to open svg.htm, nothing happends. I looked up on the server to see if there were no problems, and main.svg simply wasn’t there. I can’t get it uploaded to the server. Can you help me with this, or the server simply doesn’t accept the file for any reason?
the setup files:
contains all the files, needed, and you need to upload all those files from that zip file, including the .js java script file and the background.jpg file, etc
but first you need to alter 2 of them, svg.htm, i.e the name of you station, and any other html you want to add
here you need to set the url for the clientraw.txt
(its set to use mine)
and the default units to start with (default is Metric, but you could set to English , note this is case sensitive)
you can use, in wd, to updload the files:
action, manage by ftp server
under setup, ftp/internet setup, manual upload
and choose each file in turn
I did it again, to be sure of every step. I changed the files the way you said, I uploaded them…
The problem is that one of the files, the one named main.svg, after being uploaded to the server, simply disappears from it, no matter how many times I upload it.
And the result is this:
I just found out what it is… the server only accepts these kind of files: .html .htm .gif .jpeg .jpg .bmp .tif .png .txt .css .js .swf .mid .class .jscript, and .zip.
Is there anything I can do?
oh, i see…
others might have this problem too
maybe you could try contacting the web hosting people and see if they will allow svg files?
oh, i see…
others might have this problem too
maybe you could try contacting the web hosting people and see if they will allow svg files?
Thanks, Brian, that’s exactly what I am going to do.
Hi, Brian
Let’s imagine the guys from the server don’t give me the chance of uploading main.svg… isn’t it possible to have the files for SVG on another server and all the rest on the main server? If possible, how can I do it?
Thanks again
yes, you can do that
and just have the url to the clientraw.txt file to the server you are updating with WD
but to view it, you need to let IE view data from across domains:In IE, go to Tools > Internet Options > Security Tab. Select Internet, then select Custom Level. Select Access Data Sources Across Domains from the Miscellaneous
hey Meteoabrantes nice avatar ( I know Brian’s has a twin sister )
There’s only one that fit’s that face .
couldn’t possibly find another avatar could you ?
i changed my avatar to my ugly mug picy, LOL
Lol, I really don’t want to begin a twin’s war!
I’ll try to find a peacefull and, I agree, Rocket…, a more suitable avatar for myself!
Any reason that the clientraw.txt uploads for about 12-18 hours then stops? If I rerun the program, it starts again … until about 12-18 hours.
any ftp error in the real time ftp error log
(under view, ftp error log)
or under view,program error log?
it might be that its still uploading, but not the correct directory …you can tick to force it to try to change to the correct directory each minute
i do have checks in place to get it to recover from any failures, and have been working with ricky on that
I managed to upload main.svg and all the files, but now, how to correct this?:
"The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
Use of default namespace declaration attribute in DTD not supported. Error processing resource ‘http://free.hostdepartment.com/m/meteoabrantes/main.svg’. Line 16, Position 71
is the url to use
Yes, Brian, I know that, but when I open it, it says there is a error: it says “Microsoft JScript runtime error, 'xmlhttp is undefined, line:23, column: 4”. And more, I click with the right button of the mouse on the empty image and, in the View SVG option, it says:
ah, ok
email me your main.svg file
[email protected]