I occasionally loose the data for the Solar and real time graphs. Just like they were cleared. I am not sure of the sequences, which cause this, but I don’t believe I hit the clear buttons. Questions:
Where is this data stored?
Is it backed up.
What happens when it hits the 5000 default record limit, does it clear, or go into a FIFO basis.
Do the maximum records also apply to the solar graph? Total records to date show 0 all the time.
The total records to date in the real time graph stays at 2691, I have 8 days of graphs now which should be aprox 11,500 records. It has not reset or cleared yet. I am concerned they will restart soon. My max records are at 5000.
Where are these stored??? Are the solar and extra sensors in the same place? Is it possible to just delete a percentage of the records off the end when it gets over the default setting???
I really like these graphs and would like to be able to always look back two weeks to see what
i should be able to do that…
(i do have a extra sensor real time graph on that view graph history alredy)
note, you can have solar plotting on the main screen graph, and so you can go back a long way on that one…
but, yes, i will add what you need
(but you need to make sure you have ticked, store solar as extra temp 4 for graphing in the solar setup (should be ON by default)
I have always had graph 4 ticked, just looked and solar and uv is on graph 4.
If you look at my web site you can see I have solar plotted and have been doing so over 3 months now. But when in graph history there is no solar on the graphs, much less the real time one. Is this normal? When I use past seven days on the main display I do see solar.
I look forward to the ability to see uv/solar history on the graphs, much appreciated.
Real Time Graphs:
I really like the detail of the real time graphs and it would be nice to purge off of the end when the limit records are reached. The record counter does not update unless you quit WD and restart. It also seems to be in memory and does not update the file. So if you quit and go back in you loose some records. The reason I am concerned is that I have had two crashes lately and both times one of the real time graphs was cleared (either solar or real time). The time was exactly: 30 after the hour, which is the time the real time graph data files update I think. This could be one of you unexplained crashes for some users.
As for Graph History:
Why does the main graph not show solar like the main screen does?
Is it possible to use the decimal point for detail for solar on the extra sensor real time graph? It rounds up and down to a whole number and is real jerky. I know you don’t have a solar sensor on yours so you can’t see this.
Restore Solar.
Is there any way to restore solar data to the main screen, I lost the first 5 days of the month. If I convert the VP log file to graph I loose the main data, and then I convert the main log file to graph and I loose the VP data.