Read from CSV-file

Hi Brian,

Is it possoble to let WD read from a csv-file in stationless mode like VWS can do? I want to synchronize WD with the values VWS gets from my weatherstation so I can let WD display create graphs and data-files too.


could do…
i.e a csv file produced by vws?
if you send me one, and a description of what is in it…
(can when i get some more free time i will look at it)

i.e a csv file produced by vws?

Yes, that’s what I mean.

I used it the other way too, I let WD create a CSV-file and let it read by VWS which worked perfect.
ahh, you mean the daily.csv output file wd can produce (i.e for use with say image salsa) i do a reverse, read that file instead of produce it?

Indeed, I think when WD can read the daily.csv file it can read these files created by VWS too because VWS can also read these files created by WD, can you follow? :smiley:

(can I ask whats the reason behind all this?)

Sure you can< :smiley: Well, actually I loved to use WD very much, but when I had build a new PC WD had problems on startup. It didn’t recognise the COM-port. I always had to change the station settings to stationless and afterwards to Vantage Pro again if I would WD to recognise the port again. I sent you about this on this forum too but I didn’t get an answer back so I began using VWS which hadn’t this problem. I really prefere the graphs and the tags which are more varied then those of VWS but I had no choice.

So if you can make this work I can use WD again, getting its data from VWS and use the great and more detailed graphics and tags. Also I have a “double” database too. These from WD and from VWS.


Hi Brian,

Did you already had the time to add the feature?

no time yet…
did you see that thread about the com port problems and XP issue?
(com port problems like you describe are generaly quite rare though)