Raspberry Shake Seismograph

It appears some data is derived from another source (looking at the sources listed on your page). Would I be correct in assuming all you receive from the RpiShake is the graph shown on your page and all other data, ie. strength and location, you must query other sources to make sense out of what your graph shows? I want to add a seismograph to my setup but not if it’s going to require a lot of my time to make sense of what data I collect.

You’re correct only the wave is from my station, the rest of the data comes from other sources.

I too only want something simple on my website but I have come to find out it’s not so simple. But it is fun to play around with.

Here is how I implemented the script on my website http://www.weathercat.net/wxrsquake.php

and the stand alone page http://www.weathercat.net/quake/quakes.php

Still not working in IE11. :frowning: Fixed :slight_smile: