Davis Vantage Pro rain today 0.24 inches
Weather Display 0.58
also yesterdays total is off as well…
along with the monthly…
nothing has changed in the way it handles the rain from the davis VP, so its not a new bug or anything like that.
maybe WD missed reseting the daily rain total at midnight, maybe you didnt have wd running then…or there was an error (see under view,program error log)
also, make sure the time on the davis station is the same as on the PC, especialy now that alot of places have now changed to daylight saving ir from daylight saving
The pc clock was off by 4 minutes on VP…otherwise the computer that WD
resides on has been running for days since last reboot. or version update…
I corrected the time difference…and rebooted but WD still shows incredible
difference in rainfall…
year to date is 5.23 on VP
WD displays 5.73
todays rain 0.64 WD
todays rain 0.28 VP
a weather station 2 miles away reports 0.33 for the over night
among others close by…
Something is not right with WD…ver 10.10L
weather dsiplay does, and always has, keeps its own rainfall totals, separate from the actual weather station (as many stations dont have a total in the data stream), and it means its much more flexible.
I am not sure why its out of sync, but simply correct the amounts under setup, barometer offsets and rainfall (set the amount then click on Go, then save changes)
The totals are correct here. WD and the Peet 2000 are showing exactly the same with version 10.10L.
Mine also is in perfect sync with WD
Mine is also - another Ultimeter.
Well I guess I will find out at midnight if these numbers reset back to zero and start a fresh day with a fresh start of 0.00