Rainfall unit - mm

Hi all,

I display/log rainfall in mm, however my weather station doesn’t display to decimals (well, i cant find out if it does!!!) but in whole mm, but WD continues to display to 1 decimal, ie 1.0mm, 2.0mm, etc. I have amended a couple of settings in WD, that I thought would change the display to whole numbers, but does not appear to have worked. ANy ideas ? (or does any one know if I can get my weather station to report to decimals if it indeed can ??)the couple of places where i believed)

try not having ticked, in the units setup, rain in mm to 1 dec place…

hi try not having ticked, in the units setup, rain in mm to 1 dec place...
Hi Brian, this is not ticked....... :?:

if you could email me your settings file, then i will see whats up
its wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt

the latest version should be Ok for this issue

hi the latest version should be Ok for this issue

Cheers Brian, problem fixed !!
