Rainfall rate/total not resetting at midnight

Now that you know where the problem is then I would shutdown WD, remove the 2wd.txt file, then restart WD. That will return you to your original setup and data files.

You then need to figure out what is misconfigured in your setup. WD has evolved over the years as Brian continued to add suggestions and new stations to the code along with debugging the code and in some cases work-arounds to fix problems that arose. It is very easy for a new user to WD to inadvertently make a change they shouldn’t have that doesn’t show up right away.

You could wipe out all settings in WD (there’s an FAQ on that) and start from scratch, but, you could make the same mistake again. Another option is to load your config file into a text editor and methodically go line by line to find the problem, but if you don’t know what you’re looking at or for then this could be a miss as well. There is a 3rd option, that I will offer, to run your ini and setup file through my DIFF program to compare them looking for an discrepancies. Follow this FAQ http://discourse.weather-watch.com/t/12684 but instead of emailing Brian (who is currently unavailable) you would send them to my email. PM me if you have questions.