When I read in my log file from my ws2310, the rainfall rates are always incorrect. I have just imported the latest log file and apparently I had 88mm of rain yesterday when in fact I didn’t have a drop. I am using 10.18x
is this from reading in thet HW log file or a direct data extraction (which i am still working on…at the moment all the data is imported, which is not correct)
It is from a log file.
ah, ok, email me that log file from HW so i can test/fix
I have worked out the problem with the log file. I was loading the whole log file every time rather than just the bit I needed. Another problem I have is when I have read in the log file, the charts update to the point where the logfile finishes but then won’t update with the realtime data. Also the Internet update does not work. I have to shut the programme dowm and restart, at which point all my mins/maxs and the rainfall revert to the same figures all the time.
Just updated to 10.19k but still have the problems of the graphs not updating after import of log file. When shut down a restart charts update but min/maxes are what they were before I imported the log file. Very annoying. I can’t win whichever way I do it.
i am working on getting the direct import working…instead of using the HW log, properly,.nearly have it sussed…will let you know when that is ready