in 19n or thins yesterday, i get heavy rainfall, yesterday 50mm, as it was raining a bit, i was not sure if this is right or wrong.
but thins morning it shows rain again, but we have sunshine.
whats happen? never had this prob, any idea?
best regards
with 19o i do not have anymore this rain problem, but 19o keeps crashing on my head.
watchdog is working hard to keep it up.
best regards
what weather station type?
nothing to do with rain was changed between n and o
i got the crc for ws2010-13/ws2500 stations to work though
10.19n worked for me the whole 3 days i was away, no crashes (and i dont use the watchdog)
windy good morning.
i have a ws 2315, it realy crashs on my head > went back to 10.19a but have some bugs there to…
just now a spike in wind> try to reset extreme from today, but it seems not to do any changes.
best regards
what are the synptoms/when/why the crashes?
note, i have fixed a bug in the 10.19p zip version that gave a list index out of bounds in the view, program error log
maybe tyr 10.19p zip?
windy i changed to 10.19q just have a look ate the 24 hour graph
now the rain is ok > but the wind is wrong.
program error log is blank :?
best regards
what weather station type do you have?
mh…and here is my problem, i do not know it, as i allways read La Crosse or Conrad, but on my one stands MEISTER ANKER.
last night i installed 19Q and it crashed as i see in watchdog only once, error log blank, wind still funny ready.
nextupdate tag, replaced by 3 —,
best regards
windspeed problems, and other problems with the a ws2310 can be fixed :
you need to either replace the cables between the temp/hum sensor and the anenometer or rain gauge with CAT 5 cable , or even twist the cables by attachhing to a scredriver
this will stop the bad data spikes, etc, and might stop the crashes of wd too
many people have succesfully done this, and its a shame the manufacturer used poor quality cheap cable in the first place
Ricky was the person who discovered this fix
mh…but windy it been working before without any problem.
how, this problem can just popup like this?
best regards
the windspeed /temperature spike problems , and the electrical interference in the wires, only happen when the station is connected to a PC…i.e its feedback that originates from the PC
a RF balun around the serial cable might help too (all data serial cables would benifit in one that go to a PC)
windy i have difficulties to understand your solution, as i checked out test reports about weather stations and the ws 2315 seems to be for price wise a good thing > the rain gauge can be damage, but thats easy to check> about the wind > never hear about this with a ws 2315. but anyway> what i do not get > all this month it worked very well!
only thins 19o and one before, i get some problems, like crashing/rainpike/windpike/updatenext tag error.
all to see here in the last 48 to 72 hours.
so for me it’s hard to understand why the wireing shut be down or bad, this station worked now 4 month.
but you see that the rain problem is solved by version 19o, but then the windspike grop up.
but even resetting the rain and win > seems not to have any effect for the momment, even after coverting data to graph.
best regards