Rain today

after 10 days we had some rain (4.4mm on the davis vantagepro console) and 5.6 mm on WD. Why and what to believe?
in the daily logfile the first reading was also 5.6, so it was a good rain in a short time.
windows xp
wd 10.17e



the console is resetting daily data at midnight.

maybe you have set an other time for daily reset of rain in wd? and so daily on the console wont be the same as in wd…

yes, its possible that the console reset it rain total at a different time to wd…
i.e wd keeps its own rain totals…

thanks for the replies, but see here two parts of the september file. asi can see the reset is at midnight or is this the console daily reset sytem:

day month year hour minute temperature humidity dewpoint barometer windspeed gustspeed direction rainlastmin dailyrain monthlyrain yearlyrain heatindex
11 9 2004 23 57 17.4 88 15.4 1009.2 3 5 213 0.0 5.6 5.6 51.8 17.4
11 9 2004 23 58 17.4 88 15.4 1009.2 4 5 215 0.0 5.6 5.6 51.8 17.4
11 9 2004 23 59 17.3 88 15.3 1009.2 2 4 211 0.0 5.6 5.6 51.8 17.3
12 9 2004 0 0 17.3 88 15.3 1009.2 3 5 213 0.0 0.0 5.6 51.8 17.3
12 9 2004 0 1 17.3 88 15.3 1009.2 2 3 241 0.0 0.0 5.6 51.8 17.3
12 9 2004 0 2 17.3 87 15.2 1009.2 4 5 235 0.0 0.0 5.6 51.8 17.3
a little later:
12 9 2004 1 7 16.9 90 15.2 1008.7 2 4 217 0.0 0.3 5.8 52.1 16.9
12 9 2004 1 8 16.8 90 15.1 1008.7 3 4 217 0.0 0.3 5.8 52.1 16.8
12 9 2004 1 9 16.8 91 15.3 1008.7 2 3 217 5.8 6.1 11.7 57.9 16.8
12 9 2004 1 10 16.8 91 15.3 1008.7 1 3 217 0.0 6.1 11.7 57.9 16.8
12 9 2004 1 11 16.8 91 15.3 1008.7 4 7 232 0.0 6.1 11.7 57.9 16.8
but the file is produced by wd. so athis moment, 7.41 in the morning my console daily rain is 4.8, the wd says 6.1. nog a big difference, but.

with all the seeting s I could not remember the daily reset settings, sorry to ask that, but where is that in the software?



I found my settings: all are 0 hour and just for the month it is the first.