Rain Rate inches/hour shown in inches/minute


I had some rainfall today and was watching my Live display. I have a Davis VP and it indicates a rain rate per hour. Live shows the same rate as a per minute rate. Is there something I need to set up in WD to get clientraw.txt to contain in/min, instead of in/hr?


Ah - don’t know! Brian…?


are you set to use the vp rain rate in wd?

Yes. I just turned it off. We don’t have any forcasted rain for the next week. But, I will let you know if that was it.

I noticed this too. There is a bug in WDL which displays in./min. when the VP and WD show the same (correct) rate as in./hr.

Easily repeatable.

the problem is WDL is not going to know…
unless Julian you set a tag in the xml file?
do you people want in./hr in wdl if you have that coming from the davis vp?

unless Julian you set a tag in the xml file?
Yes that would be the only way. It would mean that you wouldn't want to change it regularly in WD as you would have to change the config tag as well. I wouldn't want the units 'hardcoded' into the clientraw as the rain rate changes units when selected via the WDL button and that would just complicate that process.


That would be great. A tag to indicate display in Inches/Hour to mimic the VP would be perfect! Thanks! :smiley:

Any word on making this happen? I have had to take this part out of the display because it is always wrong.


I turned off the “use VP rain rate” and now WDL shows the correct in/min. I can’t believe we didn’t have any significant rainfall for three weeks.

I will try that.

The option for in/hr will be in the next version.


Can someone please help me to configure things to display mm/hour rainfall rate in weather display live…?

using davis vantage pro and can’t seem to get it to display

many thanks in advance


Make sure you have it turned on in the config file: show = 1


It will only appear when there is a rainfall rate to display.
