Rain rate and the Rainwise 2000

Any chance of fixing the rainrate bug which seems to occur with the Rainwise WS 2000 station. No reading given.
Hope you can help!

rainwise is sending me a weather station, so i can fix that bug, and get the data logging extraction at start up working correctly (which I have made lots of progress on (but the live data when finished does not start up))

(not sure when it will arrive)

its strange, I cant see any reason why it would not work in the code…but it will be become clear when i get a station :slight_smile:

Thanks Brian. It is odd that the records seem to pick up the date and time of record rain rate but not the actual figure. See my website www.carbostweather.co.uk in the all time records and records to date for year.

does the rain rate and maximum rain rate work on the wd main screen?

Both are on the main screen but always read as zero. There is a time reading however on the the maximum rain rate section which does vary.

i have a rain wise station here now!
(it arrived the day I went away for 5 days)
i have spent all evening on it, and have fixed the rain rate bug
and I have the data logger extraction at start up working great, and I have added lots of new functions to work with the CC-2000 data logger
(see under setup, control panel, data logger setup)

in version 10.17v of weather display


hey, this is a nice weather station…and I recommend it :slight_smile:

Thanks Brian. Everything working well now.

thats good

i have a new 10.17x version ready now that has CRC error checking in use (see under the weather station type setup to turn that off if you dont have support for crc error checking)

please try that version for me, to confirm it still works for you

also, did you see i have the data extraction at start up working great now?
(see under setup, control panel, data logger setup)