My WDL seems to be running well, except that tonight it is raining and my DAILY colum says .1 " while my VP console says .22. Looking in regular Weather Display, it also appears as .1. Why would this not be updating real-time?
How can you control the frquency of upload of the clientrawextra.txt file? I see how to do the clientraw.txt, but not the clientrawextra.txt. It seems to upload irregularly, whenever it wants to. How can I control this?
note that WD keeps its own rain tally , and that is separate from the VP console
but comparing the same totals from the same start time/reset time, they should be the same
the clientrawextra.txt should upload every 10 minutes
it contains data that is not changing all that fast
WDL updates itself from that data every 15 minutes or so, but macromedia flash is not very good at timing
Thank you for your reply, Windy…
Yes, I am aware that WD tallies the rain data on its own, however, as you said…the current rainfall should match the VP console…and it’s not.
Could I have a setting incorrect? (I am pretty new at this and find the WD menus VERY confusing). They should put ALL the WDL settings on one tab and call it WDL. Period. Anyhow…any ideas of where to look would be appreciated. Thanks! - Larry
in the weather station type setup, the davis station selection , check that the rain gauge type is correct
but also make sure you are comparing the same start time and start rain total with the vp console too
(you can set wd’s starting rain values under setup, control panel, barometer offset and rainfall)
In the weather station type setup, I am using Davis Rain Gauge is 0.01 in and Use the Davis VP Rain Rate
I went ahead and fixed yesterday’s rainfall total to match what was on the VP for yesterday (.22"), but, for instance today (starting midnight) it has rained .34" so far according to the VP. But WD shows only .27". (It too, is set to reset at midnight, the default) Why should this be?
I am not sure at this stage why this is
what I could do is get wd to log what it finds for rainfall for each tip
maybe the VP2 has a different amount for each tip?
i.e, by how much is the console increasing in rain amount each time?
I have no problem with what the console is recording or displaying. It is just when it comes over to WDL that it doesnt match the console. It hasnt rained now for a while, so I will have to wait and see. Thanks for your help though! My bigger issue now is why clientrawextra.txt is not updating every 10 minutes as it is supposed to. It updates very randomly. (Sometimes takes 30 minutes or more). And, I understand there is no way to set the timing on that file as there is on clientraw.txt. Maybe that’s a feature we need to have added???
I’m not 100% sure on this, but I think the clientrawextra.txt file is uploaded using the time of the rest of your other web files. My web files are set to upload once every 10 minutes. I have my clientraw.txt file uploaded every 10 seconds.
Check your settings to make sure they are set to 10 minutes… If you are using some other schedule, that might indicate why it is not happening every 10 minutes.
Setup → Control Pannel → Webfiles → Webfiles Upload times tab
Also check your ftp log to see if you are having connection issues with your remote host.
the clientrawextra.txt file should be uploaded by the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe every 10 minutes
but WDL on the web pages only re reads that file every 15 minutes, but that 15 minute time period is not all that exact becuase macromedia flash is not very good at timing
i will have a look at adding ability to set the interval for the clientrawextra.txt
Thank you windy! Having the ability to set the upload interval for clientrawextra.txt would be VERY helpful, as my clientraw.txt uploads every 10 SECONDS, but sometimes clientrawextra does NOT upload after 10 minutes. Please let me know when you make this option available! Thanks!! -Larry
At your suggestion, I just checked the Control Panel/FTP-Internet Setup/Webfiles Upload times and AV/EXT tab… I am NOT using this panel to upload at all, since I am NOT using the regular Weather Display on a web site. I am ONLY using Weather Display LIVE (the flash product)on the web.
WDL upload is controlled (at least in part) by the Web Files/Real Time CLient-WDL tab, where you can list the clientraw.txt be uploaded every 3 seconds. So, maybe it is on THIS tab that you should add the upload parameters for clientrawextra.txt?? Thanks.
i think the problem stems from the only 10 second updating you have set most likely…
i,.e wd only checks if its on the 10 minute time slot to upload the extra file after it has uploaded the clientraw.txt file…
that is the problem…
I need to rework that,…
Yes it is! But I have a follow-up issue now. Clientrawextra.txt seems to upload nicely now. However, the metar download (KHWO.txt in my case) seems to be occurring erraticaly as well, just as clientdraextra was before you fixed it. For instance, I have had my system up and online for 30 minutes so far this morning, and while clientdrawextra has uploaded, I show no update on the KHWO.txt file.
Is it possible that the metar download is ALSO expecting some parameter before downloading at the specified times?
In fact, it appears that the KHWO.TXT metar for the current conditions is not downloading UNLESS I hit the TEST button. Based on my settings, I believe itg should download eevery 10 minutes, but it is not. I am attaching a screen shot of my settings on the tab. I believe I have it set correctly? Any suggestions?> Thanks! -Larry
I have set the metar download times to be every 10 minutes. (See new attachment). I have stopped and restarted the program. It will ONLY download the KHWO.txt metar when I click the “test” button. It’s not doing it any other time.