Rain not reading on Dallas 1 wire

Rain reading on Dallas 1 wire displays in the Dallas 1 wire set up screen
(XX.XXmm since program was last run
but does not display or update the WD front programme screen with rain fall

is there another tick box some where

any advise much appreciated

Also noted this in the “bug” section. After power failure, rain totals and graph was not updated.

Brian is aware of this.

is the amount in that screen, correct?
i.,e does it work?

Hello Brian

I dont think its working correctly is as follows

I took your suggestion and increased the collection area from 5cm R “thanks for that” I


I’ll be glad to perform an experiment here as well.

It isn’t as difficult to climb the tower and mechanically operate the tipper as I thought.

What version do you want me to test? Currently 10.13z. Gather version 10.14 something …

Here’s what I propose

  1. look at register accumulated tip data with AAG software
  2. shutdown system
  3. mechanically tip the “buckets” ten times
  4. restart
  5. examine register data with AAG software
  6. start WD and see what the configuration screen says had been accumulated since last run. Look at main screen and plot.

Henderson, NC


Did the experiment with version 10.13z.

The readout for rain since last run on the Dallas configuration screen reads the right number of tips. It also agrees with the AAG software counted tips.

It DOESN’T read the correct amount of rain fall. In my case, I have supplied WD with a correction factor of 1.27 rather than recalibrate the rain gauge. This factor is not included in the displayed “inches”.

As noted by all, the main screen doesn’t see any rainfall during shutdown.

Let me know when to do this experiment again and with what version.

For now I can just look the edited number and manually increment rainfall amounts. This approach will only work if one has only one power outage. Unfortunately, the number of outages is an unknown.

Henderson, NC

in a new 10.14i, full, when you go to the dallas 1 wire setup page, it will add on the rain that was missed auto (and the correct amount too based on your rain gauge resolution settings)

Tested 10.14i. Did experiment as outlined above.

Does the “missed rain” update OK. Spike of rain also appears on rain plot. Properly zeros the value at next start.

Be glad to test version which does this in an automated way.

Henderson, NC