Rain Icons

Over the last hour we have had 1 mm of rain but the icon says Heavy Rain.
I have checked all the icons and they are all in the right places. And on the ‘Set names for rain thresholds’ Heavy Rain is set at >3.5 and <=7 mm
Any ideas

Yes - same here during “daytime” using 10.19t and 10.19s.

I did note that after sunset the nighttime icons looked correct. :?

humm, click on input daily weather, and there compare with the icon there?

Did that - the icon(s) are correct there according to the “hover over” label.

so its correct in that its showing the heayy rain instead of the rain icon?

Yes - during light rain it showed the heavy rain icon.

Just wondering!
I am using a modified rain gauge. The standard gauge is 1mm and I have it modified to 0.2mm.
Could that make a difference?

MIne is 0.25 per tip.

i will do some looking…

ok, found it
i will upload a fresh 10.19t