Rain gauge using the WS2010 systems and WS2510

I have the WS-2510 system and a WS2010-10 PC Data logger capturing the data. Currently WD is showing the incorrect amount of rain. The rain captures 0.3mm each tip and when WD gets the information it makes it 0.4mm. How can I change WD to make it display the correct information.

I have tried changing the % Rain adjustment and if I put it positive I get a more blown out figure, if I make it negative I only get a tip of something like -0.2mm each tip, so i end up with a negative rainfall amount instead.

I have also tried changing the Modified rain gauge rain tip (mm) in the offsets form to no avail. What am I doing wrong?


it might be a rouding to 0.4mm…
it actualy is 0.335 or something like that…

but i will investigate the rain adjust % on the ws2010/ws2500 setup page…

(10.12t fixes the daily rain not working in the barometer offsets and rainfall (manual input)

If thats the case, should it not round down to 0.3 still?

just checked the code
its 0.36mm per tip

the % adjust on the ws2010 data setup page adjust that 0.36 factor by that % amount…

but i have a mistake
i used *0.1 instead of *0.01 to convert the %

i.e it is acting 10 X too much
will be ok for the next version

checking the ws2500 code, i have used 0.3mm per tip there…
humm, i am not sure if that is correct…is there a difference in the rain gauges?
(and i have used just the standard rain adjust % from the offsets page there)

I looked at the manual for the WS2150 and it tells me that that specific setting is 0.3mm. I dont know if you want to check that out for sure.

humm, strange this only come to light now…after all these years…

the spec for the WS2510 shows the rain gauge bucket to hold 0.0145 inches or 0.3683mm to tip

try this link to check info

thanks for that, that looks to clear that up, …?
i will apply for the 0.36 that i Originaly had to the ws2500 too (which i was onlu using 0.3)

actualy it looks like it really should be 0.37 from that info info :wink: