Rain Gauge in Winter

I just installed a WS2310 in June and the rain gauge is on my roof. The winters here are not too extreme… maybe at worst it will get down to zero. Do I need to do anything to protect the gauge or should it be able to withstand the temperature extremes without any problems? Thanks.

if it did freeze, but not for very long,then it should be OK
i.e if it froze due to a frost, then you are not going to get be getting any rain to miss recording,

different story if you had snow after it has frozen solid

For what it’s worth, my 2310 raingauge is constantly exposed to the elements in winter. Western NY, in the lee of Lake Ontario, tends to get quite a bit of snow. -10 f is not uncommon. I have had no problems with my gauge.



I use a 1-Wire rain gauge (plastic throughout) and it has withstood 3+ winters with temperatures down to -40F. Of course, it’s frozen up all winter but starts working when water becomes soft in the spring.

I use the KAP