I need some help
I haven
Have you tried using something like the iButton one-wire viewer to see if the rainguage is reporting counts? Another thing to check is to make sure it’s not plugged up with leaves and bird dodo.
The iButton viewer is available at :
i did notice that john
i have the opposite problem…only other station, with a dallas 1 wire…its reading too much
what do you have ticked as the rain gauge resolution in the dallas 1 wire setup?
Thanks for helpful advice
Rain gauge is a modified one using the increased resolution setting. Is set to 0.2mm I’m hopping my memory is right I’m not at my PC to confirm.
It is newly installed and was operating on the bench ok
I’m wondering did I corrupt something with my recent upgrade to XPSP2
I relocated WD to standby machine for some time.
With all my recent attemtps to fix it now reads Minus rain, this occurred when I removed the ROM id and reset it came up with a negative reading.
At the moment it appears to be reading, but very little for the amount of rain that is falling. Over the last 24 hours I got 1mm
much appreciated John
So Brian is this only broken on the latest version of WD?
i havent changed anything , well i dont think so, with the dallas 1 wire rain guage
by problems with my rain gauge is some hardware problem
re the missed counts/missed rain at start up option, i need to stop it from allocating negative rian!
i see john that the airport near you lost part of its roof with winds over 70 knots!
Hi Brian
Yeh lots of damage locally roofs torn from houses
My street alone at each end of the street have suffered one house lost its
Front fence, house to the other end the garage is in a heap
yeah, amzing to see it on TV all the damage…and more floods!
man, parts of NZ have had real extreme weather this year!
use the barometer offset and rainfall setup screen (see under control panel)
and then reset /set the correct rain totals…for month/day/year, etc, then click on set for each, then click on yes to save settings
as for the rain:
in the dallas setup, what do you have ticked there for rain guage type
and in the barometer offsetrain/other offsets screen, what do you have set for modified rain guage tip?
i have fixed that -ve rain problem though in a new 10.15z, ready soon
the setup on the barometer offset page you should not have to use…
its just the one on the dallas setup page…
i.e going by that 0.2mm setting, then each tip should see a 0.2mm increase
if you manualy tip the gauge (yeah right on a cold windy winter night)
does wd then read that rain tip?)
I have done a poor job explaining
In the setup page panel, Barometer offsets-Rainfall
In use is the modified rain gauge new tip this is greyed out
I cannot make a change to this figure
Above that reading is rainfall offset in % this is set at Zero
Confirming Dallas is ticked 0.2mm tip
Am I supposed to be able to change in the setup page panel, Barometer offsets-Rainfall
In use is the modified rain gauge new tip which is greyed out.
Should I see in the setup page panel, Barometer offsets-Rainfall page greyed out 0.2mm tip in use
Thanks John
In use is the modified rain gauge new tip which is greyed out.
Should I see in the setup page panel, Barometer offsets-Rainfall page greyed out 0.2mm tip in use
nope, and nope
Wonder what has happened here.
Original setup I started out with 1mm tip in Dallas setup up
I couldn
well, i would start again with a 1mm tip rain gauge in the dallas setup
what sort of rain gauge?
have you modifed it?
i think the problem is that if you have increased the area of a rain gauge, then that complicates things a bit…and yes i need to have it in wd that you can set and use the modified rain tip in the offsets page
what normaly happens if say you double the area of the rain guage collection, is that you end up with double the rain recorded, and so thats where the modified tip adjust comes in…i.e you would set that to 0.5 in that case
The rain gauge is the old units that come with the Dick smith station WM-918
Previously it was recommended through the forum to double the size of the
collection bucket and simply change the tip to read 0.2mm from 1mm
I have not set up for the modified tip I understand I need to set this to read 0.5
Modified rain gauge new Tip
Strange it is grayed out and reading 1.0
I have reset to 1mm tip in Dallas setup and restarted
Still grayed out very strange
Regards John
the modifed tip is greyed out becuase its not usualy used with a dallas rain gauge setup
so, i have allowed you to set it now
in a new 10.15z ready soon
so then select a 1mm gauge in the dallas setup
and set modifed tip to 0.5 in the offsets page
then the rain should be OK
Thanks Very much for your patience Brian
All understood, no rush here,
looks like were in for another
Sleepless night high wind gust still rattling the house
Kind regards John