Yes, make it! In Vp one tip is 0,28mm not 1mm.
Could you make same time “user adjustable” rain rate calculation.
I think that mm/hr is more efective as mm/min. When I set “Use VP rain rate” then WDL calculate rainrate wrong. (it displays e.g. 12,5mm/min when raining 12,5mm/hr!)
i think i have the use vp rain rate correct
in the latest version
humm, but often heavy rain is only short duration,and often does not last more than 10 minutes, never mind 1 hour (for real heavy rian), so i think , personaly, mm/min is better (just *60 to get mm/hr, and WD shows that on the main screen)
I meaning that mm/hr is more informative as mm/min.
When raining; 6.0, 5.9, 4.5, 3.2… mm/hr WD displays 0.1mm/min all the time. Is big diffrence if rain rate is 6.0 or 2.0mm/hr
Second thing is all time records window. My highest rainrate is now 75.4mm/min in WD, real value is 75.4mm/hr!
Here in Finland car speed is 100km/h not 1666m/min or 27m/sec