A simple question. I was looking the weather station on home page of weather-display.com and i was looking that rain of today was 0.5 mm. How can i set up for theese values of decimal rain? in fact in my WD 10.19r when rains, all numbers are not in decimal but only 1.0…2.0…3.0 etc…I Have WMR 928N.
I’ve forgotten to say that in setup\Units\other settings i have ticked “Rain in mm to 1 decimal place”
Thank you
The standard WMR928N rainguage only measures rainfall in 1mm increments when the bucket tips. If you want smaller increments such as 0.1mm, you have to find a way to enlarge the collector funnel so that 10 times as much rain is collected and adjust the WD settings for the tip amount.
Other stations such as Davis measure the rain in 0.1mm increments which is why you see other webpages measuring rain like that as they don’t have a WMR928N weather station.
1mm is not a good resolution for a rain guage as light showers may well not be recorded