Questions on FOG setting

Noticed this morning that my web site indicated a FOG icon in the summary display. Trouble is, it isn’t foggy. Not even raining. The humidity read 85-87%, the tem around 52.9F, with a 5F/hr increase rate.
In Settings, control panel, other offsets,
the humidity offet is 0
The slope is 0
and none of the 96/97/98 set as 100% are checked

On the summary image settings page, the fog icon temp. threshhold is at 9C, the fog icon humidy index is at 95%
Now, i freely admit to playing with settings to help correct an apparent rainfall and humidy setting discrepancy, and I think I’ve probably messed up somewhere, but

These are the only settings I’ve found which relate to fog - are there others, and what can i do to back off the settings a bit to fix the fog icon display



do you take any data from a local METAR? and have WD update the icon from the METAR data?

Hi Martyn,
no, I don’t. I’m not anywhere near enough advanced to d/l and use metar info… but I’ll get there. I have most of today off (night shift tonight) so after a housecleaning I plan to play some more. I fiddled with some of the settings and the fog icon went in favor or a sunny/hi-overcast item, so I plan to look into how it all works. Today I plan to attempt metar loading, using San Francisco International Airports report, it is only 4 miles from me. I’m sure I’ll post some questions as I go thru it all. Would sure be nice to have 3-4 days in a row off to really play with it all - I’d love to add a custom page, earthquake pag, tide table etc - and I will, just not as quickly as I’d like to.



FWIW, here are my settings…

also check under input daily weather, you do not have ticked, use this icon as the main screen icon…?