Noticed this morning that my web site indicated a FOG icon in the summary display. Trouble is, it isn’t foggy. Not even raining. The humidity read 85-87%, the tem around 52.9F, with a 5F/hr increase rate.
In Settings, control panel, other offsets,
the humidity offet is 0
The slope is 0
and none of the 96/97/98 set as 100% are checked
On the summary image settings page, the fog icon temp. threshhold is at 9C, the fog icon humidy index is at 95%
Now, i freely admit to playing with settings to help correct an apparent rainfall and humidy setting discrepancy, and I think I’ve probably messed up somewhere, but
These are the only settings I’ve found which relate to fog - are there others, and what can i do to back off the settings a bit to fix the fog icon display
Hi Martyn,
no, I don’t. I’m not anywhere near enough advanced to d/l and use metar info… but I’ll get there. I have most of today off (night shift tonight) so after a housecleaning I plan to play some more. I fiddled with some of the settings and the fog icon went in favor or a sunny/hi-overcast item, so I plan to look into how it all works. Today I plan to attempt metar loading, using San Francisco International Airports report, it is only 4 miles from me. I’m sure I’ll post some questions as I go thru it all. Would sure be nice to have 3-4 days in a row off to really play with it all - I’d love to add a custom page, earthquake pag, tide table etc - and I will, just not as quickly as I’d like to.