I am getting there with WD now but I have some questions about some of the files WD creates and before I go on looking at a few issues I want to understand what some of these files do and how they should be being updated.
The first of these is 12005lgten.txt which I think it is a ten minute log file. However mine contains no data stored in it from any time when WD is running, it only has data from when the archive is downloaded at start up.
The second it dailylog10min.txt which like the one above has only data in it from when the archive is unloaded at start up.
The second it 12005Vantagelogten.txtt which like the ones above has only data in it from when the archive is unloaded at start up.
So could some kind people please take a look at their files and tell me what theirs contain. Also if anyone knows what they should contain please put me out of my misery :?
Once this is sorted I will move on to the next question!