QTextImage: no mimesource for satellitepicture.gif

Hello wdisplay fans,
Has anyone gotten this message while trying to upload to a webserver: “QTextImage: no mimesource for satellitepicture.gif”?
Thanks for any info,

Here is some more info:
“QTextImage: mo mimesource for satellitepicture.gif
Exception EAccessViolation in module WeatherD at 0806B7F9.
Ac cess violation at address 406B1690, accessing address 80808088
./GoWeather.sh: line 20: 14611 Segmentation fault ./WeatherD”

I’m running SUsE 9.1.

Thanks for any info,

Hey clifrogers.
Why, yes I have. Sorry, funny now. :oops:

I made sure that the APRS send is off and I’m still getting the error. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for the help,

when does it occur exactly?
i.e what agenda /internet function?
i.e can you isolate it?

I reinstalled the lates version and made sure that CWOP was off. I’m not getting the error anymore but the program still crashes about every six hours. I’m trying to figure out if there is a trend or pattern to the creashes. I’m not getting a message in the shell . I’ll let you know if I figure it out.

I am about 95% certain that it is linked to some sort “internet” stuff. I have run it for atleast 7 days fine (i had to reboot for another reason) and I think that John Canfield has gone much longer

yes, i must have a internet component where i have hard wired that file name/url, or similar
i will do some hunthing
re crashing…yeah, check for any pattern?