PWS Not Updating

Just set up PWS. But data isn’t working.

Attached is the setting.
Any help much appreciated.

Have you set up the cron job(s)?

Thanks for testing the PWS_Dashboard.
The setting should be a local reference in the form of ../clientraw.txt

There is a debug console Module test PWS_Dashboard which can help in a lot of situations.

Also the readme pdf files can be helpful, the full list can be found at


Has the forum added a dot in as it shows 3 and should be 2

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I have no idea how to enter a string as " . . /" without spaces.
And still make the user aware that it should be read and used without spaces.

I will use a screenshot to make it clear.

You can wrap the string in preformatted text quotes, e.g. ../clientraw.txt. The “</>” icon on the editor top bar will insert these for you.

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That seems to have worked! Many thanks. @administrator Do I need a corn job? I’ll go through the docs again. many thanks for the help all.

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You normally need at least one cron job. The docs should help you set it up.

You need a cron job if you want history values in the small blocks and the history popup.

As @bitsostring said the history pop-up and the small blocks (when suing three rows) need a cron-job.
You are using clientraw so the daily high-lows are supplied by clientraw for you.
Other weather-data files have often no high-lows and those users need the cron-job also for that.

In your case , if you do not want a cron-job, modify the small block scripts and set them to use only the daily values.


Thanks. I’ve set this cron job up
/usr/bin/php -q /home/mcdconcepts/vw/PWS_cron_stationcron.php for every 5 minutes.

Do I need to change anything in the PWS_cron_stationcron.php. I didn’t see that I had to in the docs?

Also, whilst I’m at it. I have a Boltek LD using Nexstorm. The setting in PWS use NSDisplay which does not work anymore. I also have a Blitortung system… Can I use StormVue, or Blitzortung to add to PWSD?

The exact format is hosting provider dependant. You can check if the history is correctly updated.
I prefer free external cron-jobs as you can easily check in your browser if it works.

I am not familiar with these sensors.
If you can post the link to the file the device generates, I can take a look.
Currently there are two filetypes supported for a Boltek sensor.
22 fields → NSDRealtime.txt
53 fields → NSRealtime.txt


You can use extra pop-ups in blocks and extra “full”-pages in the menu.
I have seen many user-sites with extra pages and pop-ups using their lightning sensors
But I myself have no access to StormVue or Blitzortung files or scripts

The only one I am familiar with is adding this to your _my_settings/frames.php

# ================================================#
$show   = true; 
if ($show == true) {
$frame                  = 'Lightning';
$frm_ttls[$frame]       = lang('Lightning'). '-';  // name in menu
$frm_src[$frame]        = ''.$lat.'/'.$lon;
$frm_hgth[$frame]       = 800; 