I can view the WDL on my computer but it is stuck on the same day and time. The minutes and second are the same. ( 8/27/2004 10:53:14pm) I am still under the evaluation mode. Any ideas to why it is stuck on the 27th. I have not been successful at getting it to upload to my webpage to view from the internet. Do I have to buy WDL before I can put it on my webpage?
It’s stuck on the same time because it’s not getting any updates from Weather Display. Why can’t you get it on to your website and what bit can’t you upload? Is the clientraw.txt file being uploaded by WD to your website? Is the WDL swf file on your webpage along with the wdlconfig.xml file?
how does it get the information from WD. All the files are under webfiles.
the clientraw.txt is not getting uploaded to the webpage.
Yes that’s the problem. You must set up FTP in WD to upload the clientraw file. This thread has the basics http://www.weather-watch.com/smf/index.php?topic=4048.0
ok we got that to work … thanks now to get it on my web page.
it just shows a box please help me fix his part:
<img src="c:\wdisplay\webfiles\WeatherDisplayLive\index.html" align="absbottom"
I know that i have to get rid of the “c:” part but what do I leave in its place?
From the WDL download package you need to upload to your website the index.html file after specifying the path to your clientraw.txt file location in 2 places within the file. You only need to do this once. Make sure it’s in the same place as the clientraw file and the wdlconfig.xml file.
This is all documented in the readme.html file.
hey, you got it working crazy dave!
now,tip: in the webfiles/web page, real time ftp setup, set a station name there (i.e your location)
Finally working. Nothing personal Julian but your directions were not specific enough for me. EX tick the enable button (Dah to me), copy and paste hmtl codes into index file.
But hey it works!!!
You are working with a limited computer web page maker person.