Program expired after client/server install

I wanted to test WD on a second PC as client and installed it as described in in the HOWTO (“Seeing the weather data on other Pc’s on your LAN”). It works on the client but then I had a look on the my weather-PC (the “server”) WD was closed. Then I restarted the program on the server I get the message that “The software has epired on Mondy 10th Mai 2004”. I tried the “wdregistration.exe” program and the code Brian sent me last year, but without luck. On the client test PC the code works.
So my weatherpage is offline at the moment and that is very bad because my station was nomintated yesterday “station of the month” at the forum.
Thanks in advance for help

I just noticed that the number in the wdregistration program is different from that I sent last year to Brian for registration. I mailed him for a new code, hope this will solve my problem.

Windows 2000
has your login to W2K changed? IE do you have more than one user in W2K? A different login name may result in your problem.

No, nothing changed. Brian sent me just now a new registration code and it works again.

WD - the software with the best support I know :lol: